By Izi Curtis
Since getting into the fitness lifestyle, I have made it my full-time goal to Empower as many women as I can. Whether it is in a class setting or during one on one training. I love to show woman how strong they really are when they think they can’t doing something physically. Maybe they can’t at that particular moment but with encouragement to keep trying, they soon see anything is possible. Talk about Empowerment for those Ladies! Those are the moments we all live for, right?! These are the moments that translate into life. Anything is possible with the right mindset. I am not only working with women to become physically fit, healthy and strong but mentally fit, healthy and strong as well. I witness this magic everyday. Feel good inside and surely, it will be noticed on the outside.
I personally know the struggles of gaining weight and being unhealthy. Not to mention what it does to you mentally and how it effects your confidence. I’m able to share this experience with other ladies, which helps them realize, that doing some lifestyle changes is possible to feel great and feel youthful again. I don’t just preach what I say, I live it.
A confident, healthy and strong women inside and out, who has an outlet to burn off stress, is without a doubt, an Empowered Woman who can accomplish anything in all that she does. Feeling great in general tends to have the domino effect into everyday life. Being Empowered with these traits is a priceless experience that I wish for all woman. All it takes is stepping through that door of change. It’s worth the beautiful journey.
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