Freedom Through Movement

Natural movements using your own bodyweight that will give you an unprecedented level of power, freedom, and control over your body.

Strength & Mobility

Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or just to get into the best shape of your life, IMS is a unique and fun approach to fitness.

29 Years of Expertise

Coaching and training for 90% longer than most have even been in the industry.

Personal Training in Bitola, Macedonia

Imagine this. So there you are, standing in front of the mirror, and you love how you look. Every day you LOOK FORWARD to getting back in front of the mirror to see how your body has changed since your last workout. Every few days you notice how much slimmer, leaner, and more muscular you look. In your daily life you can’t help but smile more because of how much more powerful, energetic, attractive, and confident you feel.

Imagine feeling that adrenaline rush after you’ve completed a successful workout, your whole body tingling, and you being completely satisfied knowing that you’ve conquered yourself yet again. That’s what IMS Fitness can do for you.

Fitness Does Not Have To Be Complicated

For many people, having a body and a lifestyle that’s “good enough” is just the way life is.

At IMS, we are committed to people having a body and a life that they love. Free of overwhelming and conflicting advice, free of restrictive dieting and grueling workouts.

At IMS your guidance will be clear, your workouts simple, and your results undeniable.

Everyday Strength

Every situation, whether in sports or in daily life, is varied. IMS trains you to be able to adapt to any situation, and to look good while doing it.

There will be Absolutely NO mindnumbing cardio or boring machines! We will train you primarily in the essential motions that you do in your everyday life.

Based on over 29 years of experience in the fitness industry, you will feel confident that our methods are simple, effective, and produce results.

What is “Intrinsic Motion System (IMS)” and how does it work? Find out HERE.

Jonce’s Philosophy

At most commercial gyms you are are encouraged to fit into a specific ideal of what fitness means to that trainer, in that environment. Whether it’s muscle heads, cardio bunnies, or crossfit crazies, they all want you to fit into their idea of what it is to be fit and healthy. They have the mentality that they must break you down first before they can build you up. You are not looked after as a whole human being; you are seen as a number. As long as they get your monthly membership fees, their job is done.

At IMS there are no cookie-cutter workouts or diet plans. Every training program, every workout, will be specifically tailored to your goals and needs. We put a large emphasis in doing what comes naturally to your body, and in moving and training in such a way that you and your own unique lifestyle, are left enhanced.

Our philosophy is that our job doesn’t end when you walk out the door. At IMS, your workout is only the beginning. We aren’t only here to support you in achieving your diet and fitness goals, but also in living a more full and powerful life.

At IMS we take what you already have, and build you up from there, so that you ultimately become a fuller expression of who you really are.



Personal Training
