Pride vs. Humbleness and Humility

By August 23, 2015 Spirituality No Comments


A young man was traveling down a road, when he saw an old man sitting on the side all by himself. The young man stopped and asked the old man, “Old man why are sitting here by yourself?” The old man answered, “I am sitting here to warn you not to travel any further down this path, because Death awaits you beyond this point.” The young man with a sneer on his face replied. “Old man, look at me I am strong and young nothing can touch or even hurt me. Besides, why should I listen to an old man’s yarn?” So the young man continued his journey, and was never seen again.

Some time past by and another young man was traveling the same path, when he saw the old man sitting on the side of the road. He stopped and asked the old man. “Sir, is everything well with you?” The old man answered, “Yes young fellow all is well.” The lad asked, “Why are you sitting here all alone, is there anything I can do for you?” “No thank you,” the old man replied, “But I do want to warn you not to travel any further along this path, because Death awaits you beyond this point.” The young man looked astounded, and responded, “You are an old and wise man it would be foolish of me not to heed your warning, and he turned around. The young man did not only live, but became very successful and happy in his remainder of his life.

The axiom of this tale/story is: Pride and Arrogance lead always to physical and emotional death. But Humbleness and Humility lead always to a life full of joy and wisdom.