Let’s face it, there are so many miserable people out there. Whether because of weight, job, marriage or social status.
There are only two types of emotions: love and fear. Fear generates hate, envy, anger etc. All of those negative attributes that people are displaying are generating from fear. Period.
And all the good attributes that people displaying for others and themselves are from Love, e.g. empathy, compassion, passion, joy and happiness and most important self-love.
Have you ever seen an angry happy person? That’s not possible.
Have you ever seen a fearful happy person? I think not.
So, that’s what I’m trying to implement into my clients through my philosophy with IMS , not just physically training people with IMS, but also emotionally and mentally so that the people are also happier and have higher self esteem. Happiness is a choice. But it will be easier to choose happiness when your body allows you to do whatever you want. When you’re not embarrassed to take your shirt off, when you can run around with your children and have fun, when you don’t have to run three four times a week to the doctor for dialysis, for medications, or checkups.
Quite frankly, obese people seem to be on the “exterior” always in a good mood, smiling and easy going hence happy. But talking to and training many of them in my 23 years as a fitness professional, I have seen firsthand the sadness, insecurity and low self-esteem going on in their “interior.” And that’s the mental aspect of obesity.
Let’s talk about the physical aspect of obesity. Besides being at very high risk of obtaining various detrimental diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, CHD etc. Think about what people are going through on a daily basis who are 50, 100, 150 or 200 pounds above their allowed weight. Our skeleton system was and is not designed to carry such a heavy load 24/7/365, Period. Eventually the joints, ligaments and cartilage will deteriorate and that causes a lot of pain.
But yet we live in a society where close to 85 – 90 million people are obese.
So, is it getting better or worse?
According to experts of the world health organization (WHO) it’s getting worse. In the past ten years the increase in memberships in gyms has doubled. The increase in obesity has also doubled in that same amount of time. It’s a paradox. So obviously, people going into the gyms is a failing concept to helping people with obesity
So what is wrong with that?
If you think about it, we should have a decrease in obesity and overweight. Since the increase has doubled in memberships, places of nutritional experts and weight loss institutions, but yet we are failing to have a positive impact on peoples body composition; to the contrary it’s getting worse. And it’s getting even worse among the young people and among the teenagers.
Is it a lack of education on what you need to do when you get to the gym?
The lack of education on how to perform certain exercises in the gym and how to train your body when you come to the gym is a part of the problem. But it’s the least of the problem. It’s probably the smallest part. What’s the bigger part? Read on…
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