Jonce Trajkovski.
Jonce has been in the fitness industry since 1986. That is when he started training in a gym in Germany. But that is not when he began doing sports. He was 5 years old when he started playing soccer. The goal was one day to be a professional soccer player. In 1983 he tried out in the Yugoslavian professional soccer league. The short story of it, it didn’t work out. He returned back to Germany, where he played for the next 2 years semi-pro in various German teams. In 1985 he ended his 17 years long journey as a soccer player, and never looked back.
When Jonce started bodybuilding in Germany in 1986, that sport was literally in its infant steps. In America the people doing fitness/bodybuilding were certainly further ahead than in Europe. He started training in a little gym in his home town, where most ‘equipment’ was actually self-made. But one thing he immediately realized, he really loved the sport. So, he began training for competitive bodybuilding. Learning a lot from “old school” bodybuilders about training and nutrition, and also self-educating. He was training for about 4 years, and then he had to go and serve his time in the Yugoslavian military. Upon honorable release, he returned back to Germany, and continued his training. In 1992, Jonce decided to make his hobby also his profession. He applied for job as a fitness trainer in the facility of Mr. Peter Pisarew. He truly did not expect to be actually hired by Mr. Pisarew for the fact that he didn’t have a ‘formal’ fitness education, nor a reciprocal diploma of such. Well, he did get hired, and the rest is history. In the time that Jonce was working for Mr. Pisarew, who was a physio therapist and a former pro body builder, Jonce also received all the education he needed, to become Mr. Pisarew’s head trainer and gym manager. After working there for almost a year, Jonce wanted to grow in the field of fitness and fitness related rehabilitation. He applied for a job at the practice of Dr. Med. Peter Neef. He was a well-known Orthopedic and Sports medicine doctor, specialized in knee and spine injuries. Dr. Neef was also the owner of a state of the art fitness facility. Jonce was hired by Dr. Neef as one the trainers overlooking and training Dr. Neef’s patients that were in the phase of being either in treatment or in rehabilitation. Jonce worked for Dr. Neef for 3 years. During that time Jonce became Dr. Neef’s head trainer, received diplomas from the DKV (German strength association), and the IFAA (international fitness and aerobic association). But by far the most knowledge, Jonce received from Dr. Neef’s mentor ship.
In 1997, Jonce moved to America with his wife and his 5 children, where to this day he passionately, and with the same level of love for the sport and people, is training and educating his clients in reforming and improving their life style.